Eight Great Bjork Covers

It's not difficult to narrow my favorite musicians down to just one.  Bjork is number 1, and has been since I was 14.  No one has ever bumped her from my high reaching musical pedestal, although some have come close.  I'm always fascinated how other artists take on her intricate melodies.  I have complied a list of some of my favorites. Hyperballad - Robyn

I have loved Robyn since her "Show Me Love" days.  Her version of my all time favorite Bjork song lived up to my expectations. It's not often I even want to hear someone else take a stab at it.  While it's true to the original,  I think Bjork approved.

Army of Me - Collision Cover

Truth be told I had never heard of this band.  I really like their take on Army of Me. It's already a song with a lot of angst, but I like the harder metal route they took. Along with a touch of drum and bass feel on the first part.

Joga - Georgi Kay

Joga is one of the most beautiful heart wrenching song in Bjork's catalog.  It's also one of her most covered songs.  For me, no one can touch this version. It's so gorgeous and painful. Georgi's voice is haunting and I'm reeled in. I want to hear more from this Aussie.

Holly Maezers - Human Behavior

I don't know where this girl came from, but her adorable yet controlled voice paired with her ukulele skills blew me away. Let's make her famous.

Beta State - Unravel

You know that sound that is every where right now?  The tremolo effect with a little bit of delay and reverb that you find in a lot of "douche" bands. Well Beta State are the only ones that know how to take a sound that is everywhere right now in electronic indie rock and make it really count.  Their cover of Unravel is perfection. Not only do they use their effects in a way I think is appropriate (and probably Bjork approved) but it does this gorgeous song justice . Top that with their lead singers well fitting vocals, and I am now a fan.  *Slow clap*

Bachelorette  - Unknown duo

You don't often find a lot of covers of  Bachelorette, so when I ran across this video I was a bit skeptical.  This unknown duo drew me in pretty quickly with the vibe they gave this originally calm and orchestral song.  The vocals are a bit muffled, but I sense a total Rufus Wainwright vibe from the singer, and I'm digging it.

Venus as a Boy - Rowan Coupland

While this may not the best most amazing Bjork cover, I had to give this dude credit for rocking the harp. He did his thing.

Come to Me - Emily Hope Price

I'm a sucker for good use of a looping effect. This girl killed it.Close your eyes when she sings, and for a moment this could be Portishead.  Mad props. I want to be her friend.


The Strand


Scratch Tapas