Orlando Coffee Guide 2024

You can come for Orlando for many things you may not love, but you can’t come for our coffee scene! Every year, on National Coffee Day weekend, I update the list of locally owned and operated coffee shops in Orlando and its surrounding cities and suburbs. Below, you will find coffee shop options by geographical area to help better identify what is closest to the area you work and or live in.

Additionally, this year, I’ve added some local coffee roasters to the mix so that you can find some local options if you grind your own beans at home and have an espresso machine. (Many local shops also roast their beans, such as Stemma, Haan, Lineage, and Lobos, just to name a few.)

Many people ask me what espresso machine I use at home. If you're curious here you go:

Gaggia Classic Evo Pro-Semi Automatic Espresso Machine

Baratza Sette 270Wi Espresso Grinder

It’s definitely an investment to upgrade your coffee experience at home, but both of these were purchased back in 2020 and are still going strong.

If that isn’t your speed continue to support your local coffee shop. I apologize in advance if I missed your shop or your roastery. :)

My Favorite Coffee Shops and Why

Haan—Haan is located in the Mills 50 area, and its consistency is top-notch. These are truly crafted drinks, and they take their time creating unique options that you aren’t going to find at other shops. Their signature drinks, which are always available, have a nutty flavor (I’m assuming Chicory is in the recipe), and I’m a big fan of that flavor profile. My only negative is that it’s so popular that there is never anywhere to sit.

Stemma—Stemma, located in Downtown Orlando, is another top contender for quality and consistency. They have their own farm in Nicaragua, so they handle the whole process from bean to cup—not many local shops can say that. The drinks are exceptionally smooth; you don’t get harsh, acidic, or bitter tastes. This is another shop where it’s hard to find a seat.

Piccolo—This shop is located inside a Deli in downtown Winter Garden. Despite having little space to work, they crank out well-crafted drinks that are well above those of other shops in the area.

Filigree—In another part of Winter Garden, this cart is located inside a brewery. High-quality cups are coming from this tiny cart, and they recently started releasing their own bags, so I’m excited to try one of their drinks with their own roasts.

Easy Luck—Easy Luck is located in the Milk District, and it wasn’t always a favorite. In the beginning, they used a local roaster that was really harsh on my stomach and almost always gave me intense cramps and pain. Since then, they seem to rotate the roasters they use more, and I’ve been able to enjoy their crafted drinks without running to the bathroom. There is usually somewhere to find a seat, and it’s pretty chill and low-key.

XO Coffee - XO Coffee is located in Kissimmee, and I wish it were closer because I would go much more frequently. They have been consistent in the times I’ve gone for well-balanced drinks, and they always have fun seasonals.

Deeply—Deeply is located in downtown Orlando. Few shops offer seasonal Matcha like they do, so while their coffee is consistent and good quality, especially for pour-over fans, they also offer great Matcha options, which is rare for most local coffee shops.

Cups and Pups - Cups and Pups is located in College Park. They are well-known for their fun seasonal drinks, but the first thing I ever got from them was a Lavender Cold Brew, which was amazing. Their drinks are solid.

Deli Desires—This is not actually a coffee shop but a small Deli for sandwiches. However, their coffee is exceptional, and they are one of the few shops that takes a more chewy approach to executing their seasonals, like the Tomato Leaf latte they came out with this year. Their regular candied Orange latte is also a favorite.

Quigley Coffee - Quigley is located in Sanford and it a happy, colorful space with great coffee options. They’ve also been quite consistent with their espresso extractions, so you are safe getting something simple here, or their fun signature drinks. Very happy vibes inside.

Lobos—While I don’t go to Lobos as frequently as the others (their drinks tend to be overly sweet for me), they do have a great seasonal drink this time of year: a Maple Bourbon Cortado.

Prairie House Coffee - A little known spot unless you live on that side of town in Oakland, but Prairie House Coffee is a solid spot for coffee, but also great if you want Gluten Free options for snacks.

Bamita - If I want a Vietnamese coffee this is the first place I’m heading.

There are definitely other popular coffee shops you might be wondering why I didn’t name. If I get served weak, bitter, overly acidic, or overly sweet drinks chances are I won’t go back often to try again since I can make great lattes at home. While I enjoy flavors and syrups I always want to taste the espresso and want to be able to decipher if the extraction was proper, not have it diluted by sugar and too much milk.


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